Tag Archives: yucca

May Snowstorm

May Snowstorm
What was most likely the last major snowstorm of the season hit yesterday while this morning it started with clear skies. The dumping of snow made it a winter wonderland everywhere and I decided to capture the scenes before it all melted away. My...

Table High

Table High
My Girlfriend, Roxy, and I decided to take advantage of the warm weather today and hike up North Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado. So after arriving at the trail head around 10AM, we proceeded to hike up the Western side and more or less...

Prairie Flatirons

Prairie Flatirons
I found myself looking at the calendar and once again realized that I haven’t done an early morning shoot for quite some time. So in order to break that drought I headed to Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO for a pleasant sunrise shoot. While a lot...

Warm Winter

Warm Winter
With all the warm weather lately it is hard to believe it’s still Winter! Then again the official first day of Spring happens in less than a week. Anyway, seeing it was so nice this morning I decided to head back to the Greenbelt Plateau trail...

New Days

New Days
An amazing sunrise greeted me this morning on the Greenbelt Plateau trail in Southern Boulder County. With a slight gap of clear skies above the Eastern horizon, the sun lit things up nicely before getting blocked from the extensive cloud cover.

Fresh Outting

Fresh Outting
Once again its been quite awhile since I got out and photographed anything nature inspired. But luckily before work today I woke up well before the sunrise and headed to the Greenbelt Plateau trail in Boulder County. It was a biting 15F deg...

Plain Morning

Plain Morning
Lately I haven’t been getting much sleep so today I decided to take advantage of that and catch the sunrise. After jumping out of bed I left the house around 5AM and headed to Plainview. You might ask why I always go to this area and to be...

Morning Table

Morning Table
After taking nature photos yesterday, I had the urge to do it again this morning. Waking up at 5:15 I left the house and headed toward North Table Mountain, just south of Arvada. I got to the trailhead at about 5:45am and started hiking to the...