Tag Archives: Snow

Boulder Spring Snow

Boulder Spring Snow
Even after stopping at three prior places this morning I still managed to get to work extremely early. With the light still good and tripod in hand, I quickly walked to the elevated parking garage in Downtown Boulder and grabbed some beautiful...

Shanahan Ranch

Shanahan Ranch
Continuing my slow journey into work this morning I happened to past by the Shanahan Ranch in South Boulder. Although I had wished for some clouds, the picturesque ranch and little pond made it all worth it.

May Snowstorm

May Snowstorm
What was most likely the last major snowstorm of the season hit yesterday while this morning it started with clear skies. The dumping of snow made it a winter wonderland everywhere and I decided to capture the scenes before it all melted away. My...

Cold Sawhill

Cold Sawhill
For the first time in quite a while  my Father and I ventured out into the pre-dawn darkness to do some photography. We decided to head North to the Sawhill Ponds in Eastern Boulder County. As we arrived, some 30 minutes before the sunrise, the...

Winter Comes

Winter Comes
Over the past couple of days we’ve received our first real snowfall of the season. And although I wished I brought my camera yesterday I’m sure glad I brought it today during my lunchtime walk. My walk takes me alongside Boulder Creek and the...

Fresh Outting

Fresh Outting
Once again its been quite awhile since I got out and photographed anything nature inspired. But luckily before work today I woke up well before the sunrise and headed to the Greenbelt Plateau trail in Boulder County. It was a biting 15F deg...

Table Mountain

Table Mountain
My friends and I decided to take advantage of the holiday, not to mention fantastic weather, by going for a hike at North Table Mountain park. I only took one photo but the fresh air and warm temperatures made for a great outing!  

Warm Breeze

Warm Breeze
Having made it through another week of work, I decided to take it easy this morning and take a few photos South of Boulder. The dense cloud cover out East blocked any chance of having a brilliant sunrise. But even so, the morning was beautiful...


Friday has arrived and its shaping up to be a wonderful warm Autumn day. I started out the day at Plainview Road in Jefferson County and witnessed a beautiful sunrise. Even with all the melting over the past few days there was still quite a bit...

Cold Day

Cold Day
As the first major snowstorm cleared out last night it left a hefty dumping of snow and extremely frigid temperatures this morning. Hoping to capture the fresh snow I awoke earlier than normal and ventured out. The temperature in my Jeep read 16F...