Tag Archives: Downtown

Boulder Spring Snow

Boulder Spring Snow
Even after stopping at three prior places this morning I still managed to get to work extremely early. With the light still good and tripod in hand, I quickly walked to the elevated parking garage in Downtown Boulder and grabbed some beautiful...

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City
My Fiancee, Roxy, and I flew into Oklahoma City yesterday morning to visit her relatives and today we had a chance to do some exploring in the city. The bulk of our time today was spent walking around the Bricktown Canal in the popular Bricktown...

Lightning over Denver

Lightning over Denver
While working on the computer this evening I heard quite a few rumbles of thunder outside. I went to the back deck and could see dark clouds and lightning just overhead and quickly moving to the East. Knowing that the storm would probably drift...

Around Denver

Around Denver
Early this morning I decided to get out early and capture the Sunrise. I started out heading toward the mountains but after seeing the clear skies I turned back East. After a little bit of time, I eventually ended up just north of Downtown...

Sun over Denver

Sun over Denver
Late last night I set my alarm clock to go off at 4:45am this morning. After dragging myself out of bed and getting cleaned up, I thought about where to go photograph. With clear skies all around I just decided to head to Denver. I went to some...

A few of Denver

A few of Denver
Seeing that the sunrise is starting later and later these days I decided to catch it over Denver this morning. I went to one of my favorite viewpoints of the city above I-25 and snapped a few photos. I love seeing how the skyline has been...