Tag Archives: Clouds


While I was getting ready for work this morning I happened to look outside and spotted the makings of a wonderful sunrise. So I quickly grabbed my camera and tripod  and took a few shots while the color lasted.

Dune Morning

Dune Morning
After a night of constant rain I was worried that we’d wake up soaking wet but luckily the tent held out and we slept surprisingly well. Once we fully woke up we decided to gather our things and head to the dune field before anyone else. We...

New Days

New Days
An amazing sunrise greeted me this morning on the Greenbelt Plateau trail in Southern Boulder County. With a slight gap of clear skies above the Eastern horizon, the sun lit things up nicely before getting blocked from the extensive cloud cover.

First Light

First Light
This is the first, from what I expect to be many, photos of the view from my Aparment looking East. I must admit its great watching the sun rise over the horizon in the comfort of my home 🙂

Amazing Light

Amazing Light
It’s never easy returning to work after a vacation but at least we were treated with an amazing sunrise today! At first I didn’t plan on taking photos but as I headed out the door the conditions were ripe for a great sunrise. With time being...

Fall Sunrise

Fall Sunrise
After finally getting a decent night’s sleep I decided to try my luck and capture the sunrise this morning. As I headed out in the early morning dawn I noticed a few high flying clouds above. With the majority of the Eastern horizon clear I knew...

Special Light

Special Light
Before heading on vacation tomorrow I decided to take some sunrise photos around Plainview Rd this morning. While driving out to the open space the skies above were just bursting with potential. And sure enough as the sun made its way over the...