Tag Archives: Broomfield


While my fiance and I were sitting down watching a movie we happened to glance outside and noticed the huge ‘Supermoon’ rising to the East. I quickly grabbed my camera and took a few shots before returning to our movie.


While I was getting ready for work this morning I happened to look outside and spotted the makings of a wonderful sunrise. So I quickly grabbed my camera and tripod  and took a few shots while the color lasted.

Morning Dance

Morning Dance
I noticed outside my balcony this morning that a dance was unfolding in the early dawn skies. At first I didn’t know which planet/star was near the crescent Moon but I soon took out my smartphone and loaded up the GoogleSky application to find...

New Rising

New Rising
While every sunrise is beautiful, some or much more so! Taken on my apartment balcony in Broomfield, CO.

Blue Moon

Blue Moon
I heard on the news last night that tonight we’d be having a Blue Moon tonight. But like usual I forgot but luckily I was watching a movie with Roxy and noticed the rising Moon to the East. I quickly grabbed my camera gear and snapped a few shots...

Approaching Day

Approaching Day
We’ve been having some great sunrises lately and today I finally whipped out my camera and grabbed a few shots. What a great way to start the Thursday!


The bright Supermoon of 2012 rising from the East over Broomfield, Colorado. I managed to grab a shot before it descended up into the clouds and into the night.

First Light

First Light
This is the first, from what I expect to be many, photos of the view from my Aparment looking East. I must admit its great watching the sun rise over the horizon in the comfort of my home 🙂