

After work today I headed up toward Golden Gate Canyon to check out the Fall colors once again. The majority of the aspens were already prepared for Winter but I did find a few patches that were in full splendor. After taking quite a few photos the clouds began to open up with fresh rain. Nothing better than wandering around the woods during light rain!

There are 2 comments

  1. Lois Britton

    Hi Michael, I’m Conor Robinson’s mother. He’s forwarded your pictures to me from time to time and I love them. Somehow, this came up on my Facebook–how did that happen? This fall series is gorgeous–I fell like I just took a hike in Golden Gate. I love that park–was just there last weekend. Anyway, these are beautiful–you are very talented! I hope you have a show sometime–I’d come out for it!

  2. Michael de Leon

    Thanks Lois! I’m not sure how it got on your facebook feed…but perhaps you’re a fan of mine on Facebook? I posted a link to this entry on my fan page and I think that is how you got here. I’d gladly let you know, when and if I have a show. Hopefully one day I will 🙂

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