Windy Winter Weather

The drive in to Eldorado Springs was extremely treacherous due to the weather. The gusting winds in excess of 50+mph (20mph sustained) and loose snow made for ground blizzard conditions along the main highway between Golden and Boulder (US 93). Originally my Father and I had planned on traveling to Estes Park, CO but the conditions made us decide to stay close to home this morning. Upon entering the state park we noticed the signs stating it was restricted to 4-wheel drive/chains due heavy snows. The strong winds in the canyon created snow drifts 5+ ft high & the air temp. was hovering around 0F.

We decided to hike along the fowler trail (~.7mi) and ended just past the Bastille. It is here that we first saw the alpenglow of the sunrise. I may have seen thousands of scenes like the one unfolding in front of me but it was still beautiful! The views are quite amazing from the trail as there is very little distractions around. After photographing the canyon walls we headed back down toward South Boulder Creek. The creek was moving fairly well with little or no wind. The final image posted is of me taken by my father just past the Bastille.

Eldorado Canyon State Park Information