To Wyoming

To Wyoming

My friend, Frank, and I decided to go on a little road trip for this weekend. He recently graduated from the Architecture graduate school in Albuquerque and had a little bit of down time. The last time we met up was at his wedding the prior Summer in Santa Fe. After catching a great deal on a flight from Albuquerque to Denver we started thinking about areas to visit on our trip. Eventually we decided on going to Yellowstone National Park and maybe Salt Lake City, UT. The trip was more or less unplanned except for the main destination of Yellowstone and dropping him off at his parents’ house in Pueblo West, CO.

The trip started this morning as I picked up my friend at the Denver International Airport. Leaving the airport we decided to grab some road-trip essentials at Target before hitting the open road. With Goldfish and Beef Jerky at hand we merged onto I-25 Northbound towards Wyoming. Hours later, after passing Cheyenne and Casper, we made a pit stop in the small town of Shoshoni. While we waited for my Jeep to be filled up we decided to head towards Cody instead of the Jackson area. We didn’t arrive in Cody until nearly 6:30pm at which point we looked for some lodgings. As we entered the Western part of the town we decided to keep driving up and see what was there. Passing a few tunnels we arrived at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir and took a few photos. Afterwards we went back to Cody and found a motel to get some rest before exploring Yellowstone the next day.