Monthly Archives: October 2012

Winter Comes

Winter Comes
Over the past couple of days we’ve received our first real snowfall of the season. And although I wished I brought my camera yesterday I’m sure glad I brought it today during my lunchtime walk. My walk takes me alongside Boulder Creek and the...

Pumpkin Outting

Pumpkin Outting
Today my girlfriend and I visited my brother Gabe, sis-in-law Sara, and little nephew Jonah. Seeing it was such a nice Autumn day we decided to visit a local pumpkin patch/corn maze and take in some of the harvest festivities. While we’re there I...

Prairie Flatirons

Prairie Flatirons
I found myself looking at the calendar and once again realized that I haven’t done an early morning shoot for quite some time. So in order to break that drought I headed to Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO for a pleasant sunrise shoot. While a lot...

Autumn Changes

Autumn Changes
After work this afternoon, I went to one of my favorite local gems Eldorado Canyon state park. Located just South of Boulder, CO this canyon is often overlooked but is a great destination for all nature lovers. One of my main reasons to going to...