Monthly Archives: July 2012

Prairie Light

Prairie Light
Having been nearly a month since I photographed anything nature related I did manage to grab some early morning shots today. After leaving the apartment around 5:30AM I soon arrived at the Mesa trail in Boulder County, CO. It was a rather warm...

Pool House

Pool House
Once again I was hired to photograph a recently completed project near where I work. The Pool House was finished last Summer and boasts a number of unique design features.

23rd Ave Renovation

23rd Ave Renovation
I was hired today to photograph a recently renovated house on 23rd Ave. in Denver, CO. The house was closing tomorrow so unfortunately the new owners belongings were already inside the main living space. But regardless of that fact, the project...

Broadway Housing West

Broadway Housing West
After work today I once again visited the Broadway Community Housing West project in North Boulder. I originally took some photos back in May but decided we needed some more for an AIA awards submission package. We’ll see if any of the projects I...

Morning Sun

Morning Sun
While getting ready for the work day I noticed the blood sunrise over the Eastern horizon. I quickly got my camera and shot as the sun rose over the apartments to the East. Living on the fourth floor definitely has it perks!