Monthly Archives: August 2011

Rocky Mtn 365

Rocky Mtn 365
Today I photographed a few car badges and framed prints for use in an upcoming article in the Porsche 356 Registry magazine. It was definitely challenging to minimize the reflections and highlights in the objects but overall they turned out great!

USA Pro Cycling Challenge

USA Pro Cycling Challenge
After watching some of the 2011 USA Pro Cycling Challenge coverage over the past few days I decided to check it out today in person. The last stage of the tour started in Golden and eventually ended up in Downtown Denver. This year marks the...

Late Summer

Late Summer
Having been a few weeks since I’ve done any nature photography I decided it was time to wake up early and catch the sunrise. Often times when I’m in need of inspiration I go to Plainview road, as there is always something to shoot. On this...

Butterfly House

Butterfly House
Finishing up with the outdoor room I then moved onto another SSA project nicknamed the “Butterfly House.” Last Summer I photographed the interior of the house but waited until the landscaping/fencing was finished to photograph the exterior. This...

Outdoor Room

Outdoor Room
Today I had the opportunity to photograph a couple of projects for SSA, the Architecture firm where I work. The first project I photographed was a covered deck/outdoor room  completed earlier this year in Boulder, CO. Some of the highlights of...

Evening Falls

Evening Falls
A few hours after crossing the Colorado border we arrived at the state park only to find that the campground was booked solid. Seeing it was Monday I was quite surprised but we decided to check out the falls for a few hours anyway. For this late...

Bighorn Morning

Bighorn Morning
A crisp morning greeted us as we checked out of the small motel in Jackson. After filling up my tank we left the town and started back towards Colorado. Driving through the Bridger-Teton National Forest, I noticed some faint movement in the tall...

Evening Storms

Evening Storms
After leaving the stormy Midway Geyser area we proceeded to the famous Old Faithful Geyser. Upon arriving we noticed a large crowd gathered around the geyser, signaling the eminent explosion of scalding hot water. As we waited to see Old Faithful...

Midway Geyser Basin

Midway Geyser Basin
Leaving the Paint Pots we noticed even larger plumes of steam towards the South. As we got closer we figured the majority of the steam was coming from the Grand Prismatic Pool. On my last visit to the park I didn’t get a chance to see the Grand...

Fountain Paint Pots

Fountain Paint Pots
As we continued South along the Western portion of the loop we started noticing more and more geothermal activity. Having seen a geyser pretty close to the road we stopped to take a closer look. After finally finding a parking spot we walked...