Monthly Archives: July 2011

Denver Calm

Denver Calm
Waking up early this morning my Father and I headed to the Denver City Park. Located just west of downtown the park offers wonderful views of the city as well as the mountains. Along with the rather pleasant sunrise it was nice to see the...

Bookshelf Still lifes

Bookshelf Still lifes
After photographing some items for eBay I decided to take a few shots of the items I’ve compiled from the open road and local antique shops.


My Father and I decided to head to Mount Evans for this morning’s sunrise. We left town around 4:30am and it wasn’t until we were near Idaho Springs that we spotted a sign that said Mount Evans would be closed from 9am-2pm for a bike race....


I met up with my brother Gabe this morning at Prospect Park in Wheat Ridge, CO. We decided to talk his dog Lucy for a walk alongside Cleer Creek. Along the creek we saw quite a lot of wildlife including at least 5 juvenile Coopers Hawks and a...

Gabriel and Sara

Gabriel and Sara
Today I photographed my brother Gabriel and his fiancee Sara for their engagement photos up in Vail, Colorado. I normally don’t take photos of people so it was a nice change from my nature work. Here are my favorite ones from the shoot.