Monthly Archives: June 2011

Inti Raymi

Inti Raymi
Waking up early I decided to take a morning walk around the Plaza San Francisco. The plaza was bustling in anticipation of the Inti Raymi festivities, the Incan festival in honor of the sun god (more about this later). After my walk I headed back...

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi
When the afternoon arrived we decided to venture out to the Plaza de Armas and take in the Corpus Christi festivities. Not really knowing what to expect beforehand I was surprised at the amount of people out and about. It was slow going but we...

City of Cuzco

City of Cuzco
After catching a taxi/van from the Velazco Astete Airport we soon arrived at the Plaza San Francisco. The plaza was getting things ready for a large market and the first thing that caught our attention were the roasted guinea pigs. Passing the...

Headed to Cuzco

Headed to Cuzco
Years of thinking I’d get my passport I finally went ahead and submitted my application this past April. I figured that I’d get it so when the opportunity to travel abroad arose I’d be ready.  Little did I know that I’d get the chance only a...

Special Light

Special Light
Before heading on vacation tomorrow I decided to take some sunrise photos around Plainview Rd this morning. While driving out to the open space the skies above were just bursting with potential. And sure enough as the sun made its way over the...

Boulder Heron

Boulder Heron
In lieu of taking a lunch today I headed toward the Boulder Creek path to take a short walk. The first highlight of the day was finding Waldo! He was hiding just east of Broadway and I wonder if kids today even know who he is? Further upstream...

Lightning over Denver

Lightning over Denver
While working on the computer this evening I heard quite a few rumbles of thunder outside. I went to the back deck and could see dark clouds and lightning just overhead and quickly moving to the East. Knowing that the storm would probably drift...

Play Area

Play Area
Today I photographed the Pearl St. Mall play area between Broadway and 13th St. for R DESIGN (Landscape Architecture + Urban Design Firm). The play area wasfinished being renovated early last month. The mall was pretty quiet this morning but was...

Light of Life

Light of Life
We officially made it to the end of the work week! And to celebrate it being Friday I woke up extra early to catch what I hoped to be a amazing sunrise. At first I didn’t think the clouds would give but luckily they did! When the sun finally made...


Had another early morning and another amazing sunrise! Although its tough waking up so early, the rewards are always worth it! Once again I caught the sunrise in Eldorado Canyon alongside the roaring waters of South Boulder Creek. Hopefully I’ll...