Daily Archives: June 27, 2011


We flew into Lima early this afternoon and had a few hours to kill before or midnight flight back to the states. So we secured our bags at the airport and headed to the Miraflores district of Lima. Once there we met up with a couple of Erik’s...

Road to Cuzco

Road to Cuzco
Finally finding our driver from a few days before, we headed back to Cuzco this cloudy morning. I took all these photos from the van and was happy that most of them came out. And in many ways it was nice to just see people going about their...

Train to Ollan

Train to Ollan
Leaving our hostel a little before 5:00am we soon arrived at the station to catch our 5:30 train back to Ollantaytambo. Being tired from the lack of sleep and the day before in Machu, most of us tried to get some sleep on the train. But after the...