Daily Archives: June 26, 2011

Aguas Caliente

Aguas Caliente
Returning from Machu Picchu we headed back to our hostel in Aguas Caliente. Seeing that we arrived in total darkness the night before it was nice to get a glimpse of the town in daylight. The last two pictures were taken in front of the hostel we...

Last of Machu

Last of Machu
Before leaving the park we explored the Temple of the Sun and other adjacent areas. The masonry around the Temple was more or less perfect with clean lines and tight joints. Its amazing to think how much effort went into making this place. Near...

Machu Ruins II

Machu Ruins II
As we explored further up the mountain the classic view of Machu Picchu soon came apparent. As we neared the House of the Guardians we noticed a few Llamas grazing on the adjacent terraces. And as luck would have it I was able to snap a few shots...

Machu Ruins

Machu Ruins
Returning from the hike from Huayna we took a short rest alongside one of the terraces near the sacred plaza. After resting for 15min. we started exploring the ruins in the early afternoon sun. During the midday hours the amount of people in...

Temple of the Moon

Temple of the Moon
In order to get to the Temple of the Moon a guide finally told us that we needed to go back towards the summit and connect to the trail there. So after heading back to the summit we found the trail and began a steep descent down into the cloud...

Huayna Picchu

Huayna Picchu
he steep climb up is definitely worth the effort as the views on top of Huayna are spectacular! In every direction you look you can see the dense cloud forest and steep mountain walls. I was hoping to do a panorama on the summit but it was...

Hike up

Hike up
After waiting in line for a little bit our turn finally came to enter the mountain. Once we signed in we started climbing up the steep Inca stairs leading to the summit. As we climbed higher and higher the ruins of Machu Picchu looked less and...

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu
We arrived in Aguas Caliente late last night and after finding our hostel decided to try and hike up Huayna Picchu this morning. Huayna Picchu is the iconic mountain that serves as a backdrop to the ruins of Machu Picchu. Today the park limits...