Headed to Cuzco

Headed to Cuzco

Years of thinking I’d get my passport I finally went ahead and submitted my application this past April. I figured that I’d get it so when the opportunity to travel abroad arose I’d be ready.  Little did I know that I’d get the chance only a couple of months later. At my sisters graduation party my cousin, Phil, asked if I wanted to join him on a trip to Peru this June. I had to think about it for only a second before I jumped at the chance! It has always been a dream of mine to travel to South America so I knew I couldn’t pass up such a wonderful opportunity.

After getting things ready for the trip in the preceding weeks, the date of departure finally arrived. We left early wed. morning (6/22) on our way from Denver to Houston. Once arriving in Houston we had quite a long layover in the airport but luckily had access to the Continental Presidents Club in the terminal (thanks Mike and Grant!). Besides having free food and drink they also had free power! With all the technology the group was carrying it was great that Erik brought the “Rats Nest” (Outlets upon extra outlets!). After waiting around for hours we finally boarded the plane to Lima, Peru.  The flight was scheduled to arrive in Peru around 11:45PM (local time). Upon arriving in South America, the game plan was to relax/sleep in the airport until the early morning flight to Cuzco on the regional carrier, Star Peru.

Barely getting any sleep in the airport, the clock finally ticked towards our scheduled flight to Cuzco at 7:00AM. With morning came the first glimpses I’ve ever had outside America. It was a weird feeling to think that I was no longer in North American or the Northern Hemisphere for that matter. The plane left as scheduled and I was lucky to land a window seat facing East. The photos below are from the flight to Cuzco with the striking Andes Mountains serving as a wonderful backdrop.

The duration of the trip I was in the company of my cousin Phil, his fiancee Megan, and friends Erik & Grant. From Denver>Houston>Lima we met up with Mike and Li. And on the return trip from Lima>Houston>New Orleans>Denver we traveled with Madelaine and Sophie.