After catching a taxi/van from the Velazco Astete Airport we soon arrived at the Plaza San Francisco. The plaza was getting things ready for a large market and the first thing that caught our attention were the roasted guinea pigs. Passing the market we arrived at our hostel, The Point Hostels Cuzco, which was located a block south of the plaza. After getting situated at the hostel we explored a few markets and eventually found ourselves near the Mercado Central de San Pedro. Before entering the building we watched a lady play a game that consisted of tossing coins on a giant board with numbers. I didn’t quite understand the purpose of the game but it reminded me of the ring toss. The mercado central de san pedro is housed in a massive wood building that houses an astonishing amount of local crops, handicrafts and other goods. Finishing with the marketplace we returned to the hostel to finally rest and relax, if only for a little bit.
City of Cuzco