Daily Archives: June 23, 2011

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi
When the afternoon arrived we decided to venture out to the Plaza de Armas and take in the Corpus Christi festivities. Not really knowing what to expect beforehand I was surprised at the amount of people out and about. It was slow going but we...

City of Cuzco

City of Cuzco
After catching a taxi/van from the Velazco Astete Airport we soon arrived at the Plaza San Francisco. The plaza was getting things ready for a large market and the first thing that caught our attention were the roasted guinea pigs. Passing the...

Headed to Cuzco

Headed to Cuzco
Years of thinking I’d get my passport I finally went ahead and submitted my application this past April. I figured that I’d get it so when the opportunity to travel abroad arose I’d be ready.  Little did I know that I’d get the chance only a...