Monthly Archives: April 2011

Spring Glimpse

Spring Glimpse
I’ve been working quite a bit lately and hadn’t had the time to take new shots this week. So I decided today to take a little break and went out to the burn area along Plainview Rd. The flowers are starting to come out and just because its gloomy...

Earth Day!

Earth Day!
Seeing that today is Earth Day I decided to head to Plainview once again to take in the sunrise. While heading toward the open space I noticed that clouds were few and far between this morning. Luckily the flowers & elk made up for an otherwise...

Superior Morning

Superior Morning
Before heading into work this morning I stopped off at one of my favorite overlooks. This vista is located next to the junction of Hwy128 & McCaslin Blvd in Superior, CO.


Here are a few snapshots taken at City Park today in Denver. The flowers of Spring are most definitely coming to life!

Boulder Break

Boulder Break
After the quick dumping of Spring snow this morning I took a stroll to Settlers Park during lunch. What a nice day to get out and about!

Greenbelt Plateau

Greenbelt Plateau
Prior to work this morning I caught the sunrise along the Greenbelt Plateau Trail in Boulder County. For this most part it was a rather typical early morning outing, complete with wildlife sightings and great scenery.

Quick Change

Quick Change
Waking up at my usual hour, 5am, I decided to once again venture out in the early hours. With a slight amount of rain the night before I hoped for partial clearing in the weather. Which in my estimation might set the stage for an awesome sunrise....

Morning Table

Morning Table
After taking nature photos yesterday, I had the urge to do it again this morning. Waking up at 5:15 I left the house and headed toward North Table Mountain, just south of Arvada. I got to the trailhead at about 5:45am and started hiking to the...

Spring Fog

Spring Fog
As I struggled to fall asleep late last night I decided that I’d wake up early and catch the sunrise. With dense fog this morning I was hoping for some amazing conditions in Eldorado Canyon State Park. But unfortunately the fog was so dense that...