After work today I headed up toward Golden Gate Canyon to check out the Fall colors once again. The majority of the aspens were already prepared for Winter but I did find a few patches that were in full splendor. After taking quite a few photos the clouds began to open up with fresh rain. Nothing better than wandering around the woods during light rain!

Hi Michael, I’m Conor Robinson’s mother. He’s forwarded your pictures to me from time to time and I love them. Somehow, this came up on my Facebook–how did that happen? This fall series is gorgeous–I fell like I just took a hike in Golden Gate. I love that park–was just there last weekend. Anyway, these are beautiful–you are very talented! I hope you have a show sometime–I’d come out for it!
Thanks Lois! I’m not sure how it got on your facebook feed…but perhaps you’re a fan of mine on Facebook? I posted a link to this entry on my fan page and I think that is how you got here. I’d gladly let you know, when and if I have a show. Hopefully one day I will 🙂