San Isabel Ntl Forest

San Isabel Ntl Forest

After being frustrated with the mechanics yesterday I decided to get out of town for a bit. I woke up at 5am and left the house at around 6. I decided to head on down toward La Veta and check out the area along highway12. After passing the small town of La Veta the road begins to wind up the hills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The changing autumn colors were really in full swing and after a little bit I decided to get off the main road. I took a side road, cr422, which looked really promising for fall colors. And I was not disappointed as Aspens were just about everywhere! Greens, yellows, oranges, and that ever present deep blue mountain sky. I eventually stopped driving at Blue Lakes and took a few photos there. After which I decided to head back down and explore the area more on foot.

Once leaving that area I continued driving south on highway 12. A few miles later I saw a signing pointing out Cordova Pass and seeing a storm was moving in I decided to scout it out. There were some amazing vistas along the road and quite a few trees changing colors. After passing Cordova pass I continued snaking down the mountains until I hit the small town of Aguilar. A few quick turns later and I was back on I-25 heading home. In all I drove 440mi and spent the majority of the day soaking in nature at its best.