Monthly Archives: October 2010

Sawhill Autumn

Sawhill Autumn
Early this morning my Father and I drove up to the Sawhill Ponds just East of Boulder. It was a rather crisp and cold Autumn morning before the Sun began to warm things up! What a beautiful Halloween! 馃榾

Sunrise Colors

Sunrise Colors
After hearing on the news last night that the Dome Fire in Boulder was still burning, I thought I’d go take a look this morning. Upon arriving in Boulder I noticed no smoke and just decided to head to Flagstaff Mountain. I took a photo of the...

North Table Mountain

North Table Mountain
Early this morning my father and I decided to catch the sunrise. Although the skies were mostly cloudy we were hoping that the sun would manage to break through. We originally planned to head up north towards Longmont but noticed that the clouds...

South Boulder Creek

South Boulder Creek
After spending a little time in Eldorado Canyon yesterday I wanted to check out a few areas just East of there. So once I was done with work I walked along South Boulder Creek next to the Homestead Trail. The colors are starting to look really...

Eldorado Afternoon

Eldorado Afternoon
On my way home after work today I decided to check on the Autumn colors within Eldorado Canyon. I arrived just in time before the sun set over the mountains. I had about 15mintues of light to work with and what a great way to end the work day!

Anderson Park

Anderson Park
This morning my father and I went to Anderson Park along Clear Creek. The Autumn foliage was just starting to set in and to my surprise there was quite a few areas with frost. Shouldn’t be long now before we get the first snowfall of the...

Early Morning Roxborough

Early Morning Roxborough
Late last night I remembered that one of my favorite State Parks, Roxborough, was to have its last early morning opening of the year today. So after waking up at 5:00am I left the house at 5:30 and arrived at the park entrance 45min later. While...

Around Denver

Around Denver
Early this morning I decided to get out early and capture the Sunrise. I started out heading toward the mountains but after seeing the clear skies I turned back East. After a little bit of time, I eventually ended up just north of Downtown...


I woke up early this morning hoping to capture the sunrise at some beautiful area. But unfortunately I was under the weather and rested for a little bit longer. As I was making some oatmeal I noticed the bright pink clouds and grabbed my camera....


After work today I headed up toward Golden Gate Canyon to check out the Fall colors once again. The majority of the aspens were already prepared for Winter but I did find a few patches that were in full splendor. After taking quite a few photos...