Monthly Archives: September 2010

Eldo Morning

Eldo Morning
Before work this morning I decided to wake up a tad bit earlier than normal and head to Eldorado. As I entered the mouth of the canyon the winds picked up to a sustained gust. I started out by hiking around the stream beneath the bridge and then...

Rattlesnake Gulch

Rattlesnake Gulch
Early this morning my friend and I decided to hike up Rattlesnake Gulch in Eldorado Canyon State Park. We got a early start and arrived at the trailhead at around 5:45am. After hiking for about half hour the sun began to rise above the Eastern...

Golden Gate Canyon

Golden Gate Canyon
Yesterday afternoon I got my new camera, the 5DMarkII. I’ve been wanting one since they came out a couple of years ago and glad to finally have one. To test out the camera I decided to go up to Golden Gate Canyon State Park and check on the...

Kenosha Creek

Kenosha Creek
Late last night my Father and I decided to finally get out and photograph again. Since the sun has been rising later and later we decided to take a drive up to Kenosha Pass. The majority of Aspens along 285 have already lost their leaves but if...

Another Arvada Evening

Another Arvada Evening
As I was working on some things on the computer I noticed the clouds outside were lighting up. I quickly grabbed my camera a snapped of few photos of the fleeting light. Hopefully next time I’ll catch the sunset at a more interesting location.

Arvada Sunset

Arvada Sunset
A large storm blew in this evening and I decided to take a quick few shots. Nothing that amazing but quite a view off the deck eh?

Loveland Pass

Loveland Pass
So today I decided to take a quick little drive up I-70. I wanted to see how the fall colors were progressing around the Georgetown/silver plume area in the high country. Although there were patches of color, we still have about a week before its...

Doudy Draw Morning

Doudy Draw Morning
Before heading into work this morning I did a quick stop over in Eldorado Springs. I was heading to Eldorado Canyon SP but an accident was blocking the road into the canyon. And so I decided to stop at the Doudy Draw trailhead. The clouds out...

Four Mile Fire

Four Mile Fire
Before work this morning I took a drive up Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder, CO. The Four Mile Canyon Fire was unfortunately still going this morning and created a thick layer of smoke. The smoke stung the eyes and had a powerful pungent smell....