Monthly Archives: August 2010

Red Rocks

Red Rocks
Today I woke up a tad bit late for sunrise but still caught some great light at Red Rocks Park. There were quite a few deer around and the crisp mountain air smelled of Autumn. Only a few more months until the colors of winter emerge into full view.

Butterfly House2

Butterfly House2
A few more photos of the Butterfly House in Boulder. Taken this morning shortly after the sunrise.

Morning Light

Morning Light
Before photographing a house this morning, I stopped at Flagstaff Mountain to catch the first rays of the day. Although the skies were totally empty of clouds, it was still an amazing morning. In my opinion there is no better way to start a day...


Before heading into work today I stopped by a favorite overlook just outside of Eldorado Springs. What a simple beautiful morning 🙂

Sun over Denver

Sun over Denver
Late last night I set my alarm clock to go off at 4:45am this morning. After dragging myself out of bed and getting cleaned up, I thought about where to go photograph. With clear skies all around I just decided to head to Denver. I went to some...

Quick Light

Quick Light
I awoke from a dream at 4:30am this morning and decided to just stay up. After getting ready for the day I drove up to some open space in Westminster, CO. Once the sun rose over the horizon, the clouds quickly enveloped the light and grey skies...

Warm Breeze

Warm Breeze
Yesterday I planned to photograph the sunrise but things didn’t go as planned. So today I decided to wake up early and try again. I finally made it out the door at 5:45am and arrived at Plainview Rd. just as the sun was rising. The warm winds...

Sunflower Sunset

Sunflower Sunset
My friend and fellow photographer called me this evening and suggested we photograph some sunflower fields up around Longmont. After picking up Jon and his fiancé in Broomfield we headed north on I-25. We left the interstate at highway 52 and...