Monthly Archives: June 2010

Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain
My uncle and I decided to climb out of bed early and go for a hike up Stone Mountain. We tried to leave a little bit early so we could escape the traffic but it still took more than a hour to get there. Once we finally arrived at the parking lot...

Landed in Georgia

Landed in Georgia
So I decided to take a vacation down to Georgia to visit family and a special friend for a week. It was quite a shock to leave the cool 50 degree temps in Colorado for the nearly 100 degree 100% humidity weather! Here are a few shots from the...

In full Swing

In full Swing
Last night I decided for another try at sunrise in the morning. It has been a few days since my last visit and things have really changed along the Front Range. The sunflowers have all started to bloom and the landscape is really coming alive!