Monthly Archives: April 2010

Spring Snow

Spring Snow
After waking up today I noticed that it had snowed a few inches the night before. It didn’t really dawn upon me to go out and photograph until I caught a glimpse of the sunrise, AMAZING! The light was so serene on the fresh snow and I kicked...


After leaving Barr Lake State Park I decided to try and get some locations for shooting DIA from the East. After a little bit of time driving the backroads I found myself on this property. From the direction I came from there were no signs saying...

Morning on the Lake

Morning on the Lake
So I decided to wake up early today and catch the sunrise at Barr Lake. The park is located just Northeast of Denver and when I arrived the sun was just coming over the horizon. Once I found a place to park I walked around to the boardwalk...


Instead of taking a lunch today I took a nice pleasant walk along Boulder Creek in Boulder. With the temps in the 70’s and a calm wind blowing…how could you not be outside in the glorious sunshine?

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Afternoon
My parents and I decided to take a short little drive to Plainview today. We were hoping the flowers would be coming out a little more but it was still a beautiful day to be out!

At Peace

At Peace
Before work this morning I decided to wake up a bit early and see what kind of sunrise I could catch. Unfortunately I missed the sunrise but still managed to take in the beautiful scenery and light. The photos were taken next to US93/Broadway...

Mower Afternoon

Mower Afternoon
Seeing that the weather was so nice today my Father and I decided to once again go out and do some photography. We originally drove through Leyden but ended up just walking around Mower Reservoir.

Denver Morning

Denver Morning
So late last night my Father and I decided to get out early this morning and do some photography/scouting. We ended up in the Civic Center area during the sunrise and took a few photos. Afterwards we just drove around downtown and ended up in...

Spring Blooms!

Spring Blooms!
Spring is definitely here! With the temperatures starting to warm the flowers are just beginning to emerge.  Here are a few blooms that I spotted along Plainview Road in Jefferson County just south of Boulder. Along with the flowers there were...