Monthly Archives: February 2010

Contest entries

Contest entries
So I decided to enter a few of my photos to the 2010 International Conservation Photography Awards. I haven’t entered any contests for quite some time so I thought I’d give it a shot.

Morning Stop

Morning Stop
Today I decided to go shooting before work. I missed the sunrise by about 20mins but still caught some nice light at Pattridge Park next to Leyden, CO.

New Blog!

Okay well after quite some time I decided to finally make myself a blog to showcase my recent outings and trips. I’m still learning the WordPress software but so far its going good.

Frank and Leah

Frank and Leah
I drove down to Albuquerque yesterday to visit my friends and take their engagement photos. We had a great time in Santa Fe and here are some of the photos.

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks
After driving from Albuquerque my friends and I headed north towards Santa Fe. Along the way we stopped to get gas and after buying some early morning donuts we noticed a sign for Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks Ntl. Monument. Seeing that it was...

The road to Taos and Beyond!

The road to Taos and Beyond!
Today I headed down to Albuquerque by means of the spectacular San Luis Valley. The weather was relatively nice for it being February and I was excited to get out of town. Shortly after passing through Questa, NM I entered the outskirts of Taos,...