Monthly Archives: October 2009

Calm Morning

Calm Morning
Early this morning my Father and I decided to head to the Sawhill Ponds just east of Boulder proper. Overall it was just a nice relaxing morning with my father. With great scenery to boot! 10/31/09 Sunrise from Michael DeLeon on Vimeo.

Snow snow snow!

Snow! So we’ve had quite the snowstorm lately and I decided to do a time-lapse outside my window here in Arvada, CO. When it was all said and done it dumped more than 23inches here! Not bad for a Autumn storm 😉 10/28/09 Snow! from Michael DeLeon...

Plain Sunrise

I woke up this morning with the urge to do another Timelapse…so I picked out a spot along Plainview Road. I set up my camera and just read my book while it compiled photos over an hour! Unfortunately it wasn’t the best sunrise but it was still...

Morning on the plains

Morning on the plains
On my way to work this morning the entire sky lit up! I was just happy to have had my camera with me! Here are a few photos and a Timelapse of this morning 🙂 Sunrise over Boulder, Colorado from Michael DeLeon on Vimeo.

Muted in the Canyon

Muted in the Canyon
I took a short trip to my favorite canyon this morning to see the Autumn colors….Unfortunately the recent cold weather stunned the fall colors to a muted brown color. Hopefully next year will be better along the Front Range 🙂

Shut out

Shut out
We woke up early this morning to head to the final day of the 2009 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. We were hoping to see the mass acession but it was soon clear that the weather was too nasty for any balloons to lift off. Shortly after...

Trip to New Mexico

Trip to New Mexico
Seeing that this past weekend I did more than a thousand miles of driving I had the urge to do it again this weekend. I, along with my brother, decided to visit my good friend in Albuquerque. We left an Icy Arvada around 4:45 and drove straight...

Pastel Morning

Pastel Morning
While driving to work this morning I noticed the soft pastels of a calm morning…luckily I had brought my camera with me and decided to take some photos.

The Journey Back South

The Journey Back South
After waking up at the motel we headed to Wall Drugstore to finally see what it was all about. Needless to say its a store that has just about anything you need!  After leaving wall we drove to Badlands National Park, SD. The weather wasn’t that...

Journey up North

Journey up North
My friend and I decided a few days ago to head out to South Dakota this weekend. I knew it was going to be a long trip but wow…crazy! I left my home in Arvada around 3:45am and picked up my friend in Boulder shortly there after. After nearly...