Monthly Archives: June 2008

Indian Dawn

Jon Labass and I decided to head up to Lake Isabelle in Indian Peaks Wilderness early Saturday Morning. We hit the trail at 4AM and didn’t arrive to the lake until around 5:20. The countless snow drifts made the trek longer than normal. The lake...


This little trip was more on the side of just getting out rather than an “photo outing.” We first headed East from Denver to Limon the headed SW to Colorado Springs on Hwy 24.

Barr Lake

After a short week at work, my Father and I decided to head out East to Barr Lake State Park. This park is around 25 miles outside of Denver and offers wonderful views of the Rocky Mountains. There are also an amazing variety of birds and mammals...


After working plenty of hours already this week I decided to take some photos early Wednesday morning. It was shaping up to be a great morning but alas the clouds never lit up. Overall a great way to start a 14hour day at work 🙂


Jon and I headed to Roxborough State Park early Saturday morning. They opened the gate a few hours earlier than normal at 5am for photographers. The conditions that greeted us was perfectly clear skies and a nice cool breeze. The foliage was...

Spring Mountains

After working 4 days (10 hour days) I had decided to go photographing early Friday morning. My original plan called for me to head up to Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder. But after leaving my home I noticed that there were thick clouds over the...